PTSD Treatment in Orange County, California



Trauma continues to impact a person’s everyday life and their mental health. Approximately 8 percent of Americans will experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point. A person who develops this disorder can face emotional, mental, and physical difficulties every single day. We try to help those seeking PTSD treatment in Orange County, California every day.

The good news is, there are effective PTSD treatments to help relieve the symptoms. Located in Orange County, California, our facilities provide a supportive environment that includes sunshine, serenity and safety – perfect for undergoing inpatient mental health treatment. If you or someone you love is needs help with PTSD treatment, contact us as soon as possible.

PTSD and complex trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health issue that develops when a person experiences a traumatic event or events. People with PTSD feel stressed and fearful, even when they are not in danger.
It is normal to feel fear and anxiety after a traumatic event. Fear enables a person to avoid danger or to defend themselves against it – it’s an instinctive response. However, there are thresholds involved that at some point create the need for PTSD treatment.

Reactions from trauma vary individually, and many can recover from the initial PTSD symptoms on their own. When a person continues to experience these symptoms for a prolonged period of time, it may be time for PTSD treatment in Orange County, California or somewhere else that helps a person manage this challenge.

Complex trauma is a relatively new term that refers to an interpersonal traumatic experience, usually committed by someone they know. The feelings of betrayal can make the event even more traumatic.

Rather than a single traumatic experience, complex trauma is compounded and cumulative. It often begins in childhood, happens repeatedly, and progresses over time. It can make re-victimization occur over a lifespan, and create difficulties in forming trusting relationships in the future. It can be isolating.


The majority of, but not all, traumatized people will experience short-term symptoms. Symptoms typically present within three months of the traumatic event, but they can develop years later. These symptoms must be apparent for over a month and interfere with relationships and daily life to rise to the need for PTSD treatment. In Orange County, California alone, thousands of people are suffering from PTSD at any given time.
The progression of PTSD can also vary. Some people recover within six months, while others experience symptoms for years or decades if the condition goes untreated. Professional intervention can and often does make a massive difference for a person who is suffering.

A licensed mental health professional can diagnose PTSD. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a person must have all of the following for at least one month to be diagnosed with this mental health disorder:

  • At least one re-experiencing symptom
  • At least one avoidance symptom
  • At least two arousal and reactivity symptoms
  • At least two cognition and mood symptoms

    Re-experiencing symptoms can disrupt a person’s routine. These can include words, objects, or situations that are reminders and that trigger these symptoms, including:

    • Flashbacks (continually reliving the trauma, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating)
    • Bad dreams
    • Terrifying thoughts

    Avoidance symptoms can also change a person’s routine. People stay away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the traumatic event. For instance, if someone is injured in a car accident, he or she may be triggered when getting into a vehicle.

    Arousal symptoms are typically constant, so the person does not need to be triggered to have these thoughts and feelings. These symptoms manifest when a person becomes so stressed and angry that daily tasks such as sleeping or eating become difficult. Arousal and reactivity symptoms include:

    • Easily startled
    • Feeling tense
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • A tendency to have angry outbursts

    Cognition and mood symptoms usually begin or become worse after the traumatic situation. A person can start to feel alone or detached from their loved ones. Cognition and mood symptoms include

      Cognition and mood symptoms usually begin or become worse after the traumatic situation. A person can start to feel alone or detached from their loved ones. Cognition and mood symptoms include:

      • Hard time remembering key components of the traumatic event
      • Negative thoughts about the world and themself
      • Feelings of guilt or blame
      • Lost of interest in activities once enjoyed

      Developing a Trauma Disorder

      Not everyone who has PTSD has been through a dangerous event or a natural disaster. For example, sudden events like the unexpected death of a loved one can cause PTSD. Some develop PTSD after their friend or family member experienced a harmful event.

      PTSD can develop at any age. Memories of the traumatic experience may include physical or sexual assault, abuse, an accident or disaster, and other serious events. According to the National Center for PTSD, women are more likely to develop PTSD than men, and genetics can also play a role in who is more likely to develop this disorder.



      The main forms of PTSD treatment are a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Treatment will vary depending on the specific needs of that person. One type of medication or therapy might work well for someone, but may not work for others. When people come to us for PTSD treatment in Orange County, California, we build a personally-tailored plan to maximize the potential benefits of that treatment.


      Several types of psychotherapy, can help people with PTSD. Some therapies target symptoms directly, while others focus on social, family, or work-related problems. A mental health professional can combine different types of psychotherapies depending on the person’s situation.

      Psychotherapy will focus on key components of the condition in order to be effective. This typically includes education about PTSD symptoms, teaching skills to identify triggers of these symptoms, and managing skills to help a person after leaving treatment.

      Talk therapy can take place in an individual or group setting. This treatment for PTSD lasts around 6 to 12 weeks, but can last longer. Evidence-based research shows that support from family and friends is an important part of recovery.

      A type of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps treat PTSD. CBT can include exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring. The goal of exposure therapy is to face and control their fear by being exposed to it safely. Cognitive restructuring helps people make sense of bad memories by talking about it in a realistic way.

      The plan for PTSD treatment needs to be built collectively. The bottom line is that PTSD treatment should empower the person to fully enjoy and participate in the activities they loved before developing the disorder.

      If a person is suffering from ongoing trauma, such as an abusive relationship, both problems need to be addressed and resolved. Other ongoing trauma or problems include panic disorder, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts. A therapist can help unwind these problems and sort them out as a person moves through treatment.


      Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder because they help ease symptoms such as sadness, worry, anger, and feeling numb inside. Other symptoms of trauma, such as sleeping issues and nightmares, can be treated with medications as well.

      It is important for the person to work with their health professional to find the best medication(s), and dosage. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the latest information on patient medication guides, warnings, and newly approved medications.



      At SoCal Empowered, our professional care team is here for you the entire way when receiving PTSD treatment in Orange County, California. We provide individualized treatment plans to meet your needs.

      If you or someone you love is suffering from PTSD or complex trauma, give our mental health professionals a call today. Post-traumatic stress disorder does not have to interfere with your everyday life, and we want to help you get past it. Contact us today.