Orange County Anxiety Treatment



Millions of people in the United States are suffering from some form of an anxiety disorder, and many of them would benefit from inpatient anxiety treatment. Anxiety disorders are the most common psychological disorders in the United States. Nearly one-third of the population will experience anxiety problems at some point in their life. Anxiety tends to give a false perception that there is no hope for treatment, but that’s not the case. Anxiety can not only be treated, but it presents the best prognosis out of any psychological disorder.

At SoCal Empowered, our knowledgeable and compassionate care team provides inpatient Orange County anxiety treatment along with treatment of other serious mental health disorders. We welcome all proven and evidence-based treatment approaches that successfully achieve long-term recovery.

People who are struggling can obtain inpatient anxiety treatment in one of two locations. Each facility provides a structured environment licensed by The California Department of Social Services (DSS). Contact us today to learn more about our inpatient Orange County anxiety treatment.


Anxiety is a mental health disorder that brings feelings of worry or fear which significantly affect an individual’s daily activities. It is normal to experience some emotions of anxiety, worry, and nervousness. However, when these feelings impair your work, school, and personal life, it escalates to the level of a mental health disorder.
An individual suffering from an anxiety disorder suffers through unrealistic fears that are blown out of proportion. Sufferers anticipate failure and disaster in everything they do. Many people are unable to identify the cause of this ongoing anxiety, adding to the challenge.


Below you’ll find some of the common problems our inpatient Orange County anxiety treatment handles:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

GAD involves excessive worrying and long-lasting anxiety over normal or unthreatening events and objects. Often, an individual who suffers from GAD will experience fear at debilitating levels. They are continuously worrying about their health, money, family, school, or job, and are unable to find healthy coping mechanisms.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive and hypomanic episodes. However, these episodes are not as full-blown that are regular in Bipolar I Disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD arises when an individual has been exposed to a traumatic event and experiences severe anxiety attacks and/or flashbacks. However, they usually become triggered by a non-threatening event.

Social Anxiety Disorder

An individual with social anxiety disorder has a severe fear of social situations. They fear rejection, being judged, and embarrassing themselves. Their sensitivity to others’ opinions is so exaggerated that they are unable to enjoy social events or working in groups.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Individuals who suffer from OCD experience uncontrollable compulsions that drive ritualistic, repetitive, and highly disruptive behaviors.


Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces. Sufferers are scared of any unpredictable environment which often keeps them housebound. Agoraphobia is an intense fear of two or more of the following situations:

  • Public transportation
  • Open spaces
  • Enclosed spaces
  • Standing in line or being in a crowd
  • Being outside of the home alone

Specific Phobias

Phobias occur when a person has an extreme fear of a specific object or situation. A few examples of common phobias include:

  • Flying
  • Driving
  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Enclosed spaces


Generally speaking, anxiety disorders are gender-neutral in that both men and women can suffer from them. However, anxiety is more common among women. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 23.4 percent of women and 14.3 percent of men experienced an anxiety disorder in the past year. In addition, the World Health Organization, or WHO, stated that along with depression, anxiety disorders cost the global economy approximately $1 trillion per year.

One in four adolescents will experience symptoms persistent with an anxiety disorder. Teens in particular who experience this mental health disorder may turn to alcohol and other substances to cope. As such, it is crucial to seek anxiety treatment as early as possible.



Anxiety disorder treatments vary depending on each person’s individual needs. Typically, anxiety treatment consists of medication and/or psychotherapy. Medication can be prescribed to help ease anxiety symptoms, but it is not in itself a cure. 

Anxiety Medications

Benzodiazepines are the most commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications. They work more quickly than antidepressants in relieving anxiety. One drawback of benzodiazepines is that a person’s body can become dependent on them, giving rise to the potential for withdrawal symptoms should someone ever stop using them.

Beta-blockers are usually used to treat high blood pressure, but they can also help relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety. They do not affect the psychological parts of anxiety, such as worry and fear. Some physical symptoms of anxiety that can be relieved using beta-blockers. These include rapid heartbeat, shaking, trembling and blushing.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

The most common psychotherapy technique used for anxiety treatment is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). This relaxing technique enables the person to identify and change their thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their anxiety. CBT teaches the person anxiety management strategies and develops greater confidence in one’s ability to cope.

Exposure therapy is a form of CBT that can reduce the person’s response of fear and anxiety. During exposure therapy, the person is exposed to their feared object or situation in a gradual process. Eventually, the repeated exposure reduces their fear and decreases avoidance.


Get Help Now

If you or a loved one is battling an anxiety disorder, SoCal Empowered is here to help. We provide individualized treatment plans to replace negative thoughts associated with anxiety disorders along with healthy coping techniques and medication. Give us a call today so that our professional care team can help you understand what’s involved with our anxiety treatment. Take that first step towards overcoming your anxiety disorder and achieving recovery.