Blue Shield of California: Our New In-Network Partner

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Blue Shield of California has been providing health insurance coverage to its policyholders for generations. It is one of the largest healthcare insurers in California, with current policyholder enrollment at 4.7 million members. It is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1939 in San Francisco, and it is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association.

Why is this relevant? It’s relevant because as of February 1, 2023, SoCal Empowered is an in-network provider for Blue Shield of California for inpatient mental health. Blue Shield of California is the most recent addition to our roster of insurance providers for which we have earned the status of in-network, so anyone who is covered by such a policy and who needs inpatient mental health help in California should feel free to contact us.

What Does “In-Network” Mean?

If you’d like a thorough breakdown of what it means to be an “in-network” provider, click here for more information. Basically, what in-network means for people who are Blue Shield of California policyholders is that the pricing for a stay at one of our Orange County mental health facilities is largely pre-negotiated.

How does that work in practical terms? It means that when you contact us for help, you know that we accept your insurance if it’s Blue Shield of California. It also means that when we contact them for you, most of the pricing has already been defined. There will be few if any ambiguities in that regard. Therefore, we can provide you with a relatively specific level of commitment in terms of cost before you decide whether or not to move forward.

That’s important, because even though we do accept other forms of health insurance, working with those organizations involves extra steps with regards to the ultimate costs involved and benefits provided. We will certainly handle that aspect of a situation for you if you’re covered by one of those companies, but when we are in-network, the entire process is streamlined.

More About Blue Shield of California

As mentioned above, Blue Shield of California has been operating since 1939, or for more than 80 years. Since that time, we have grown to a statewide reach for policyholders, and we are affiliated with more than 65,000 doctors in California. In addition to providing California mental health coverage benefits, we also provide our policyholders with plans relating to:

  • Health
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Other programs

Blue Shield of California offers some of the widest range of coverages in both HMO and PPO plans in the state, and it is continually growing and expanding in its scope.

What To Do If You Or a Loved One Is Struggling

If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health challenges, then you need to trust your instinct and act to get the help that’s needed. The best way to do that is to contact us as soon as possible so that we can have a conversation. During that conversation, the first thing we’re going to do is listen to your situation.

Based on what you tell us, we’re going to recommend what we think is the best course of action. That may include a stay with us at one of our Orange County mental health facilities. If it does not, we will still do what we can to help you find the right resource for that needed help with your challenges.

As you’ve seen above, if you are covered by Blue Shield of California or any of the other insurance companies for which we are an in-network mental health provider, then the process of defining your benefits will be quick and efficient. Even if you have other insurance, though, you should still contact us so we can deal directly with that insurance company to define your benefits as specifically as possible and as quickly as possible.

Mental health problems are similar to physical problems in that they are only going to get worse if they go untreated. Therefore, contact us today to learn more about how you can take that all-important first step towards getting a handle on what’s happening and, ultimately, regain the happiness and peace in your life that you deserve.

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