In many ways, mental health disorders involve problems that people have with the ways in which they think, feel or perceive what’s happening around them. One common way to describe these problems that rise to the level of interfering with everyday life is that a person experiencing these challenges is suffering from a personality disorder. SoCal Empowered provides inpatient Orange County personality disorders treatment to help those who need it.

Below you’ll find an overview of this difficult mental health challenge. There are different types of personality disorders that a person can suffer from, and if you find that any of these descriptions sound familiar, please contact our team of mental health professionals as soon as possible to discuss the situation with us.

personality Disorders Described

According to, in order for a problem to be described as a personality disorder, a person’s “way of thinking, feeling and behaving deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress or problems functioning, and lasts over time. The pattern of experience and behavior usually begins by late adolescence or early adulthood and causes distress or problems in functioning.”

Given that there are several ways in which this problem can arise and occur, there are several different types of personality disorders that may require intervention and treatment in order to be properly managed and controlled. People who do not get treatment for these situations can face long-term suffering and consequences.

personality Disorders Statistics

One of the many problems related to personality disorders is that far too many people feel that they are the only ones suffering from such a difficulty. That’s simply not the case, as according to almost any statistical data, there are millions of people around the United States who may be dealing with – whether they know it or not – personality disorders at any given time.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 9 percent of the adult population in the United States currently have some type of personality disorder. Given that there are over 209 million people in the United States who are at least 18 years old, that means that more than 18 million people are suffering from a personality disorder. That’s nearly equal to the entire population of the state of New York. Therefore, it should be clear that if you’re in need of Orange County personality disorders treatment, you are just one of many and should feel no shame in seeking help.

types of personality disorders

The standard publication for accepted types of mental disorders is known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the DSM-5. According to the DSM-5, there are 10 different types of personality disorders, and they are grouped into three separate clusters. An overview of each appears below:

Cluster a personality disorders

People with a Cluster A personality disorder are typically thought of as being “eccentric” or “different” in terms of their thinking, even if that unique way of thinking may not appear outwardly dangerous or harmful to others.

The three personality disorders that are part of Cluster A include:

  • Paranoid personality disorder – As the name suggests, people with this personality disorder suffer from ongoing paranoia.
  • Schizoid personality disorder – People with schizoid personality disorder are basically detached from interpersonal relationships and dealings.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder – Those suffering from this disorder are so eccentric with their behaviors that they are often “loners” or people without any real interpersonal relationships.

cluster b personality disorders

Unlike Cluster A, people with Cluster B personality disorders display behavior and experience thoughts that are outwardly erratic and intense.

The four personality disorders that are classified as Cluster B include:

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder – Someone with ASPD does not adhere to social norms, and does not treat others with respect. They do not avoid inflicting emotional harm in others and they refuse to be accountable for their actions.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder – A person suffering from BPD suffers from wild mood swings, has low self-esteem and struggles mightily with regulating emotions.
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder – HPD is almost the opposite of ASPD, as a person in this situation needs the approval of others in order to define and support their self-esteem.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder – NPD sufferers endure just what the term says: ongoing narcissism that includes grandiosity and feelings of superiority and heightened importance despite lacking in self-confidence.

cluster c personality disorders

People suffering from a Cluster C personality disorder are beset by chronic feelings of anxiety and fear that precludes them from living healthy lifestyles.

The three Cluster C personality disorders include:

  • Avoidant Personality Disorder – People suffering from this condition are so overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy that they tend to avoid interacting with others altogether.
  • Dependent Personality Disorder – Someone with DPD experiences a compulsive need to be cared for by others. They are often unable to make decisions and simply “latch on” to someone for never-ending help and guidance.
  • Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder – Unlike OCD, where people know that their problem exists, people with OCPD suffer from the same compulsions for orderliness without realizing how extreme it is.



personality Disorders Treatment

As one would expect, the treatment for different personality disorders will depend largely on which cluster said disorder belongs to, as each presents different needs and challenges. Below is a brief breakdown for each:


Medications and therapy can be effective for treating Cluster A personality disorders. The medication will depend on specifics, and different types of therapy can include:

  • CBT
  • DBT
  • Group therapy
  • Psychodynamic therapy


Once again, the treatment for Cluster B disorders will depend on specifics, but medication can be helpful in certain cases. In addition, DBT, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy, has proved successful in a growing number of situations. Our team at SoCal Empowered has specifically experienced this type of success with people who have sought Orange County personality disorder treatments at our facilities.


Cluster C personality disorders can also be treated successfully with DBT, which basically involves a therapist accepting an experience a person shares and then challenging that person on another. This helps to overcome the sensitivity experienced by people with all types of personality disorders. Medication is also useful in some situations.

In addition to medication, ongoing psychotherapy has also proven effective in schizoaffective disorder treatment. Every treatment plan in this regard is different for every person, as symptoms are unique to the individual and behavioral issues are also individualistic in nature. For instance, it’s common for patients to engage in substance abuse, which in itself may require treatment.

Orange County Personality Disorders Treatment


Diagnosing personality disorders can be very difficult. If someone even recognizes the possibility that a personality disorder exists, this should be considered a very positive step. If this includes you or someone you love, you need to contact our team of Orange County mental health professionals as soon as possible.

We will listen to your situation and we will help you find the right resource for help, whether that includes a stay with us or not. What’s important is that you get the help you need. Contact us today to get this process started.