Dissociative disorders affect millions of people across the United States.  Given the fact that the majority of us at least know someone who is affected by this mental health challenge, the need for dissociative disorders treatment is extremely prevalent. Dissociative disorders treatment begins with the goal of identifying the specific disorder someone is fighting, and from there our team works with those who stay with us to lay out a pathway forward that helps to minimize unfortunate episodes in the future.

SoCal Empowered is an Orange County dissociative disorders treatment center that provides inpatient care for those who need professional help in managing any of these difficult mental health challenge. Below we’re going to provide some insights and details that relate to dissociative disorders in hopes that you’ll contact us as soon as possible if you or someone you love needs help.

WHAT are dissociative disorders?

Dissociative disorders are mental disorders whereby a person endures a period of disconnected thoughts and memories. He or she may also dissociate from reality in one way or another depending on the specific type of disorder he or she is facing. These “escapes” from reality can be triggered by stress, and they are involuntary and sometimes dangerous.  

The most foundational goal of dissociative disorders treatment, beyond identifying the specific dissociative disorder, is coming up with a plan for coping with potentially triggering situations and working to minimize the number of episodes that occur.

As is common with mental health conditions, the actual conditions are much more complicated than their definitions. However, even before going further into your analysis, you should seek Orange County dissociative disorders treatment immediately if you believe this is happening to you or someone you love.

What Causes Dissociative Disorders Symptoms To Arise?

There is no cause of dissociative disorders on which all medical experts can agree, but most believe that this problem originates from intense and prolonged periods of trauma that a person experiences during childhood, although some of these traumatic situations can occur as adults. The types of trauma commonly associated with these conditions include physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

Basically, dissociative disorders symptoms are a form of coping that arise when a child is being traumatized and there is a lack of safety during these experiences. The person simply “detaches from reality” and generally does not remember the time in which this detachment occurs.

Types of dissociative Disorders

As is the case with quite a few mental health conditions, there is more than one type of dissociative disorder. Specifically, the world of psychiatry recognizes three of them, each of which is described below:

Dissociative Amnesia

Dissociative amnesia is the most common type of dissociative identity disorder, and as many would guess, the primary symptoms involve complete forgetfulness and losing track of time. These periods are often extensive, but there is no defined length. However, these bouts of amnesia cannot be explained by simple forgetfulness or a temporary state of confusion.

Depersonalization Disorder

Also referred to as derealization disorder, this condition features a person who is all but completely detached from his or her daily life experiences. Some have described these dissociative identity disorder symptoms as almost having an “out-of-body experience” where they can see what’s happening around them as if they are in a dream or some sort of alternate reality.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

In the past, all dissociative disorders fell under the umbrella of multiple personality disorder, but these days DID involves symptoms that are generally most familiar to people overall. People with DID develop at least one separate personality but sometimes dozens of others that tend to appear when a person is faced with a triggering event.

Dissociative disorders Symptoms

Dissociative disorders are an extremely complicated challenge for someone to face. They can also be very difficult to identify and diagnose. That’s because dissociative disorders symptoms can vary, and they are not constantly or even necessarily regularly on display for others to notice.

However, there are dissociative identity disorder symptoms that are more common than others, and a few examples of these include:

  • Generally altered behavior relative to a person’s normal approach
  • Regular bouts of confusion
  • Gaps in memory
  • The appearance of more than one “personality”
  • Feelings and behavior indicating detachment

Basically, any or all of these could be dissociative disorders symptoms. No two people who struggle with this condition are ever exactly the same, which only adds to the difficulty in realizing that someone needs help.


The “good” news with regards to this serious problem is that when people seek out Orange County dissociative disorders treatment and come to us for help, we have multiple options for treatment available for the people with whom we work. Generally speaking, there is no known medication that treats these disorders, but there are medications available that can treat the symptoms of associated conditions. In some cases, this will improve the state of the person who is suffering.

For the most part, absent some exceptions, the most effective treatment for dissociative identity disorders is some form of psychotherapy. Two common forms of what is commonly known as “talking therapy” that can help people include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of psychotherapy where a person works on learning to change his or her thought perceptions. If successful, someone with DID may be able to process potential triggers to DID episodes differently and thereby avoid the fallout involved with dissociative identity disorder symptoms.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT is actually an offshoot of CBT, and in some ways it involves a similar approach. However, it differs in that DBT is more often used to help people change their thinking who at that point are experiencing extreme episodes of irrational thoughts.

How SoCal Empowered Can Help


Dissociative disorders are a serious mental health challenge and one that will not resolve itself. It’s something that requires immediate and ongoing professional intervention. If you or someone you love IS in need of Orange County dissociative disorders treatment, then you need to act immediately to make sure that the situation doesn’t get worse.

SoCal Empowered is a respected Orange County dissociative disorders treatment center that is willing to take on these difficult cases. If you’re struggling with this situation, then you should call us today to discuss the problem with one of our professionals. We’ll be happy to listen to what you have to say and to make proper recommendations based on the information we receive.

If we feel that inpatient treatment is the best approach for such a situation, that’s what we will recommend. If it’s not, we will help you find another solution. In addition, we will talk directly with your insurance company to determine coverage before you commit to working with us. Contact us today.